/swe4001swe4001introduction-software-developmentassessment-brief-tm-retrocell-ltd-mobile-phone-menu-applicationclient-brief-assignment-speci×cation/) SWE4001SWE4001Introduction to Software Development Assessment Brief TM RetroCell Ltd. Mobile Phone Menu ApplicationClient Brief and Assignment Speci×cation. ContentsAssessment Details 3Assignment Brief 4Introduction 4Rational 4Software Requirements Speci×cations (SRS) 6Marking Guide 7<40% (failing Grade) 740 – 49% – D Grade 750 – 59% – C Grade 760 – 69% – B Grade 870 – 79% – A Grade 8>80% 8Referencing 8Assignment submission 8Assignment 2 – Oral Assessment & Presentation 9Assignment 2 submission 9References 9 ⦁ Assessment Details The assessment in this module will identify if you have learned to achieve the following learning outcomes (LO): DescriptionLO 1 Discuss how computer programmes are developed and implemented using higher level programming languagesLO 2 Demonstrate the ability to design, write, and debug programs that use sequence, selection and repetition statements, methods/functions, primitive data types, arrays, and that do I/OLO 3 De×ne the appropriate programming constructs in order to develop functional software to a speci×cationLO 4 Express the development and problem solving processes involved in the development of softwareLO 5 Review your own personal skills for the development of self-management techniques and time management In order to achieve this we will asses through two separate assignment submissions each of these are detailed in the table below. type Submission Date Description LO’s weight1. CourseworkPortfolio 2nd January 2018 23:59hrs Develop an artefact in the form of a computer programme and code documentation built to a speci×cation 2 & 3 80%2. Oral assessment and presentation 8th January 2018 09:00 hrs