The future of nursing, advancing health and leading change found in the institute of medicine report is a thorough examination of how the roles of nurses, education and responsibilities need to be changed so as to cater for needs of an increasingly diverse and aging population.While adjusting and responding to an evolving and complex health care system.The report’s recommendations focus on the readiness of the nursing workforce and health needs of patients across the lifespan critical intersections. Improvements of health care efforts through these recommendations are intended to improve the contributions of the nurses to the delivery of care which will benefit all Americans.
Factors that led to the IOM report
Urgency for the health care sector reforms arose mainly from the American nation needs for providing the aging population affordable high quality care, and addressing the high rate of uninsured Americans. There was also an uncommon way for the provision of insight, guidance and delivery of nursing services information on the role of future nurses in healthcare. Since, it was evident that a fundamental transformation change was needed in the nursing profession. Robert wood Johnson collaborated with IOM or institute of medicine to form a committee that would implement initiatives for transformation that would benefit nursing in the future through coming up with a report about the nursing issue and conducting a key study on the future of nursing. The nursing force ability is examined by this committee to meet the presented demand of the reforms on healthcare systems and public health. That was mainly on the provision of strong national recommendations that would ensure nursing services delivery efficiency through their education and efficiency in the shortage hit nursing environment(Reinhard, &Hassmiller, 2012).
Importance of the IOM Nursing report to nursing workforce
An importance of the report to the nursing workforce can be seen on the stress it places on the nurse’s education which the article points out as being necessary due to the gradual advancements in the health industry rapid pace and it is vital for the knowledge level of the nurses to be upgraded to be able to comply with the changing health care system requirements. This can be achieved through specialization and higher education. The four key messages that the committee that authored the report developed also help stress on the importance of the report by forming the grounds for recommendations and discussions presented within it. Namely those recommendations that dealt with the practice directly like; through an improved education system nurses should achieve a higher training and education level that promotes seamless academic progression; Nurses should practice to the full extent of their training and education; Nurses should be full partners with other health professionals and with physicians in redesigning health care in the United States.
Intent of the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action
Intent of the Future of Nursing: campaign for action can be described as a national initiative that effectively acts a guide for the implementation of the IOM report. The main vision of the action campaign describes a health care system that allows all United States citizens to access quality care services, with a high contribution from the best capabilities of the nurses. The Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA) coordinates its activities, and its an initiative of the AARP Foundation, AARP and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). It has 51 state action coalition campaigns and a wide range of philanthropic, academic leaders, health care providers, policy makers, consumer advocates and businessmen.
The rationale behind the campaigns main purpose for action is for the provision for the recommendations described within the report implementation. The recommendations of the implementation are carried forward within the state based coalitions. Future for nursing has established twelve new coalitions as a way of ensuring that, all the high quality patient centered healthcare service providers can be easily accessed by the citizens with nurses being the spear headers of this initiative (Nichols, Davis, & Richardson, 2010).
State-based action coalition
The California action coalition is an example of a state-based action coalition, its main aim in California is to advance nurses education. Improvingof the healthcare outcomes engage diverse and broad perspectives, using and increasing influence, and resources efficient strategic use are its core values.
Two initiatives they are working on
The California action coalition is currently working under the collaborative work plan initiative partnering with the health care work force and nurses educationto form strong infrastructures in California to assist with future nurse’s recommendations and implementations. The collaborative model in the nursing education that is still currently under development along with AB1295 implementation provides progressing opportunities for attaining baccalaureate degree from associate degree. Due to its vast geographical area the state of California has been divided in to eight regionsarea to allow the establishment of a local structure to guarantee successfully implemented interventions that will promote and raise awareness of the motives of the coalitions in meeting the health care system needs.
Another initiative of the California action coalitionis on its transformation of the state’s health care through provision of leadership. In this initiative it mainly focuses on transforming leadership, practice, improvement of the availability of the workforce data and education. The (NIWI) Nurse in Washington Internship offers a rare chance for nurses to learn about ways of advocating on health care policy issues that impact patients, legislative process and health care addition it offers scholarships to nursing students(Safriet,2011).